Whether you’re throwing a Halloween party or simply want to get into the spirit of the holiday while also getting drunk - as we’ll be doing - Halloween cocktails are fun to make and even more fun to drink. We’ve put together our top 5 favourite cocktails to make for Halloween that are sure to add a sufficient amount of spookiness to your October. Let’s get started!

Bloody Mary

This one is an old favourite. There’s better ways of making Bloody Mary appear than by saying her name three times while standing in front of a mirror, and this method is probably the better option. The Bloody Mary blends a variety of flavours, containing both lemon juice and tabasco sauce for a spicy / citrusy feel. 

Bloody Mary


Zubrowka Vodka - 1 Part

Tomato Juice - 2 Parts

Lemon Juice - Half a Part

Tabasco Sauce - Your preferred amount

Sea Salt - 1 pinch

Black Pepper - 1 pinch


Step 1 - Put your vodka, tomato juice and lemon juice into a shaker and shake. Tilt backwards and forwards a few times, careful not to make the drink frothy. 

Step 2 - Pour your mix into a glass, and top up with fresh ice.

Step 3 - Add your preferred amount of tabasco sauce, salt and pepper. Take care not to add too much, as the flavour of the tabasco can easily overpower the others.

Step 4 - Add your garnishes, we recommend fresh herbs or a celery stick.

Step 5 - Enjoy!

Blood Orange Blackberry Rum Punch

Photo Credit - Heather Christo

Rum punch is always great for parties, especially when specially themed to fit a particular celebration such as Christmas or - you guessed it - Halloween. The Blood Orange Blackberry Rum Punch is very easy to make and looks gorgeous when garnished with blood oranges and blackberries.

Blood Orange Punch


Blood Orange Juice - 1 Part

Blackberry Soda - 4 Parts

Diplomatico Rum - 1 Part

Lime Juice - Half a Part


Step 1 - Fill a large pitcher with blood orange juice, blackberry soda and rum. Stir gently and chill in the fridge for ten minutes.

Step 2 - Gather some blackberries and slice some blood oranges, and add to the pitcher. Stir again to help the flavours infuse.

Step 3 - Pour into glasses and garnish with purple pansies for that extra rich look.

Step 4 - Enjoy!

The Poisoned Apple

Photo Credit - Minted

This dramatic cocktail comes straight out of a twisted fairytale. The Poisoned Apple blends the fruity goodness of apple cider and pomegranate juice with the wonderful beverage that is tequila. We’ve got the taste covered here, but what makes it Halloween-themed? I’m glad you asked. The Poisoned Apple contains a hint of dry ice that creates swirls of haunting smoke. Spooky, right?

Poison Apple


Apple Cider - 2 Parts

Pomegranate Juice - 1 Part

Montezuma Silver Tequila - 2 Parts

Dry Ice - A handful


Step 1 - Chill a martini glass in the fridge until it’s nice and cold.

Step 2 - Put the apple cider, pomegranate juice and tequila in a martini shaker, and… well… shake.

Step 3 - Pour mixture into the glass and add a few chips of dry ice to produce smoke. 

Step 4 - Serve and enjoy!

Black Pinot

Okay so we’re cheating a little with this one. Technically wine doesn’t constitute a cocktail on it’s own, but it’s Halloween, so trick or treat! Luckily, the Black Pinot is both. Simply serve your choice of Pinot Noir in a good looking glass with a handful of blueberries to garnish, and you’ve got yourself a scarily beautiful drink. 

Pinot noir


Pinot Noir - 1 Glass

Blueberries - A Handful

Dreams - 1 Pocketful


Step 1 - Pour your pinot into your best looking glass and garnish with blueberries. 

Step 2 - Stare at the sheer beauty of what you’re about to drink.

Step 3 - Snap yourself out of your trance.

Step 4 - Enjoy!

Harry Potter Butterbeer

This one is nothing new, but for all our Harry Potter fans out there (apparently there’s quite a few of you) this is one you’re sure to love. Butterbeer is a delicious creamy concoction that can be enjoyed any time, but just feels right to drink as a Halloween cocktail.  Depending on how creamy or strong you want your Butterbeer, a creamy liqueur can also be added in moderation if you so choose. We recommend giving this one a try!



Ginger Beer -1 Part

Cream Soda - 3 Parts 


Step 1 - Combine the ginger beer and cream soda in a pint glass.

Step 2 - Decide whether or not to add your choice of creamy liqueur. If you’re into the idea, add a small amount, taking care not to overpower the cream soda. If not, simply replace with whipped cream.

Step 3 - Pretend you’ve just been accepted to study at Hogwarts, and celebrate accordingly.

Step 4 - Enjoy!